Saturday, November 1, 2008

Alessandro's CNC Machine Build with Guitar Example

I have gotten a lot of requests asking, can this machine make a guitar? Alessandro created a 2nd generation CNC machine using this website as a guide and from the images he provided, I can say he was quite successful. Not only that, he also built his electronics from scratch and his wire management is absolutely fantastic. Read on...

Maker Faire Austin 2008 Fabrication

As always, the Maker Faire was an awesome experience. There were makers from all over. All of the really great stuff was exhibited like engineering, crafts, sustainable technology, art and other interesting things that was conjured up by makers. Can you guess what my favorite part of the show was? Well... Fabrication, of course. Oh yeah, they were nice enough to slap on a couple of Editor's Choice ribbons (very very shameless plug). Read on...