Monday, July 16, 2007

Step 15: Y-Axis Lead Screw

With the Y-axis nut in place, it's time to add the y-axis screw. Unlike the z-axis screw assembly, the y-axis screw will be attached at both ends. Important note: if you're using 609z type skate bearings, use a 7/8" drill bit to match the outside diameter of the skate bearing. Use the 3/4" drill bit for space for the nut.

Quick Steps:

  1. Drill a hole on the outside side of the gantry through the same hole from step 14. Only drill half way through the wood. This hole will provide a seat for the bearing.
  2. Drill a 3/4" hole the rest of the way through. This hole gives room for the nut to spin freely.
  3. Do this to both sides.
  4. Drive the threaded rod through the gantry, through the y-axis support piece, and through the other side of the gantry.
  5. Screw a nut then a bearing and then another nut onto the threaded rod on each end.
  6. The two nuts other either end of the bearing will secure the bearing in place.
  7. Do this to the other side and make sure to secure the bearing tightly against the gantry sides.
Official Y-Axis Lead Screw Page

Step 15: Y-Acrew - Click here for the most popular videos

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