Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Revision on the Build: "Pimp My CNC Machine"

If the large table size of 24" x 48" was a concern to you, well... that's a well founded concern. I have noticed a deflection of about 1/32" towards the center. The day after, a miracle happened... the nanny stepped on the machine and totally broke the cutting surface. No! It can't hold the weight of a person. I have subsequently reinforced the machine and totally tricked it out as you will see Read more...


Anonymous said...

Did your wife talk the nanny into destroying your machine?

phooddaniel said...

Well... to be fair, we didn't see it happen, but she will not go to that part of the house again. :) She did, however, do me a big favor! My wife probably wishes not that she hadn't because the workload has increased. And the machine is bigger now!