Friday, January 4, 2008

CNC Structure Kit Ready

It's the new year and the kit is ready to go! Check out that beautiful dust collector and vacuum attachment. When I turned this on and started cutting, my alergenic wife, in total shock, said "there's no dust!" I was confidently standing beside her in the "I told you so" mode.

The size of this kit, if purchased as standard, will travel 40" in the x direction, 20" in the y direction and 5" in the z direction. Other table sizes are possible upon request. The lead time for this kit is 7 to 10 days and read on...


Anonymous said...

read on does not work with Firefox

phooddaniel said...

I just tested the "read on" for this post and works for both Firefox and IE as is. I appreciate your comment and if it still doesn't work, please alert me. Grateful, Patrick

Ron said...

I have to right click and open in a new window in Firefox but it works.
Try that.